Custom learning solutions to build your internal talent.


Learning is at its most valuable when it's linked to practical application. Our bespoke learning journeys integrate training, experiential workshops, coaching, mentoring, 360 reviews with workplace application to take learners through the complete life-cycle of learning to build capability in areas that will drive business performance. Our learning journeys will not only ensure that that your team members gain practical tools and techniques for new ways of working, but that there is clarity and alignment to strategy.  

How it works

A typical learning journey includes the following phases: 

1.  Discovery

An initial engagement will include interviews, observations, Q&A sessions, and a process review with program participants, teams, and leaders to understand: 

  • Organisational context and challenges
  • Current versus desired future state
  • Levers and barriers to change
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Workflow, processes, and tools
  • Stakeholder engagement


2. Capability/Team Health Assessments

Individual and team capability assessments will be completed to benchmark current capability levels and demonstrate growth through the program. 


3. Learning Journey Design 

The design of a learning journey will include: 

  • A backlog of learning outcomes aligned to business objectives
  • Weekly learning modules 
  • One-on-one coaching sessions 
  • Post-session ‘homework’ to apply and review learnings
  • Peer support
  • Workplace application 


4. Program Roll-out

The program roll-out will include: 

  • Course curriculum delivered in bite-sized modules
  • Coaching support to assists participants to accelerate through the learning lifecycle 
  • Mentoring to support, bolster and apply learning themes  

The journey model



Program benefits
  • Learning is made 'sticky' with new capabilities introduced in stages to ensure the learning is retained, applied, and can be adapted to new challenges.
  • Establishment of a community of practice and a peer support network to develop ongoing capability.
  • Continuous learning using a complete learning life-cycle to ensure new capabilities are applied within the organisation’s context and that the learning is enhanced to meet business outcomes.
  • Alignment across teams and engagement of the wider ecosystem to create a learning culture that ensures the change is supported.
  • Capability metrics to demonstrate skill uplift.



SoftEd offers an extensive curriculum mapped to the International Consortium for Agile’s learning roadmap.

Agile Delivery Learning RoadmapBusiness Agility Learning Roadmap


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